Hello, Hola, Olá

sábado, dezembro 19, 2020

Hi there, my name is Filipe and this is my first post on this blog. First of all, I wanna say to you guys why I decided to create a personal blog and what are my goals and expectations with this. I've been studying English for a couple of years, and today I noticed that I urgently need to start to improve my writing skills in this language.

So, because of this insight, I started to search for some tips to improve my writing skills, and I realized that if I create a blog where I post about my thoughts, my routine, my goals, and what is happening in my life I could work in this aspect. Therefore, here I'm writing my first post entirely in English with - probably - a bunch of grammar mistakes, but I don't care at all. The fact is that I'm trying to study another language and I'm chasing my goals.

I almost forgot to say that I'm learning Spanish either. How this language is so similar to Portuguese, it's easy for me to understand, read, and watch movies completely in Spanish. However, my speaking and writing in this language are terrible (most terrible than my English, I swear). For this reason, some posts here in this blog will be in Spanish, okay?

Later I'll come back here and speak out more about my dreams and why I need so bad learning these two new languages. Even so, I wanna talk about my favorite singers, movies, and books because I'm a big pop culture consumer - hahaha - but for today that's all! See ya!

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